Choosing a profession текст 9 класс несвит
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«Если это знаменитость — и у вас нет много времени — все что вы делаете, просто болтаете, и говорите чтобы попробовать и заставить их чувствовать себя комфортно. И в результате изучения английского языка будет продуктивным и даже останется время на другие дела. Дискус і я TEACHER: So, dear friends, what do you say?
Тема урока должна быть высказана учащимися. Заліковий зошит для тематичного оцінювання Тексти для домашнього читання, 0. Вправа « Ice and a hot potato » учень1 розслабляється, кладе руки на коліна внутрішньою стороною долоні вверх,, заплющує очі і уявляє що в одній руці гаряча печена картопля, а в іншій -шматок льоду. Потому что выполнять задания из учебника невозможно без словарей. Приложения : Proverbs Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Повідомлення мети та цілей уроку.
Но в настоящее время речь идет о получении хорошей фотографии. Look through the lens to a bigger and brighter future 6 December 2001 Behind small-rimmed spectacles and locks of unruly curly hair, Sophia Evans, a 33-year-old freelance photographer talked passionately about photography and modestly about her successes. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.
Discover yourself перевод текста 9 класс алла несвит - Работа над заголовком What will this text be about?
People are always asked what they want to be when they leave school. I think itТs a pretty tricky question to answer, especially when getting a job seems such a long way off. Special tests can find out what a person is best suited for. Those who like to work with machines can get a profession of a mechanic, a driver, a pilot, a computer programmer etc. When you are choosing a profession, you should keep in mind all the necessary qualities, which arerequired for it. If you donТt possess them, you have to try to develop them in yourself. People, who are active, energetic, УgreenФ, tidy, practical and organized can choose a profession of a vet, a postal worker, a dog trainer, or a zookeeper. If you like adventures, trips, learning culture and traditions of other people you can be an archaeologist, an explorer, or a tourist guide. If you are interested in science and research you might be a scientist or an inventor. Those who are fond of working with numbers can get success in the career of an accountant or a banker. If you want to become a teacher, a nurse, a dentist, a doctor or a firefighter, you must be helpful, caring, calm, patient, friendly, cheerful and outgoing. The world of professions is rich and exciting. There are some jobs where both men and women work successfully. What is really true is that all professions are important, wonderful and necessary. A high qualification makes a person fit for a certain position. УEvery man is the maker of his own fortune,Ф Richard Steele wrote. The person who wants to be highly qualified must have good education first of all. A young person can best approach the future when enriched with knowledge of many different subjects. That can really help to get a better job, develop career and get success in life. Look through the text and try to understand the meaning of the highlighted words from the context. If you have any difficulties, consult the dictionary: ü to make a decision ü abilities ü future career ü the necessary qualities ü to be best suited for ü a firefighter ü an inventor ü to succeed ü an accountant ü a high qualification ü to fit for a certain position 4. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Write down the professions from the text into four columns: Working with people Working with technics Working with nature Working with money 6. Retell the text about your future profession:.
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